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Link Crawler

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About Link Crawler

How to Use Link Crawler to Optimize Your Website

There are a few different ways you can use Link Crawler to optimize your website. First, you can use it to examine your website's structure. It will usually be a list of your pages listed in a hierarchy. When visitors are having difficulty finding a particular page on your website, they may visit this page to help them. A search engine may also visit it. However, these pages are primarily aimed at human visitors.

Internal linking

You can improve your SEO by building internal links to the other pages on your site. Internal linking can help your ranking and improve your user experience. It helps Google crawl your site's structure and enables users to easily navigate to related categories. To optimize your internal linking, you should map all your pages and ensure that the anchor text on each one is relevant and well placed.

Internal linking can boost your search ranking because search engines and users weigh internal links heavily. If you do not create enough of these links, you risk losing link juice, losing prospects and losing chances to rank higher. As a result, internal linking is essential for SEO.


A sitemap is a list of links on a website. It is important to create a sitemap with the links on all pages. This will help the crawler find the content on the website more efficiently. Search engines like HTML links better than XML links, so you should use HTML for your sitemap.

XML sitemaps should be encoded as UTF-8. The sitemap should meet certain standards, and the software will validate it. It will also tell you what issues may exist. XML sitemap links can be added in the "Links" section of the crawl configuration. Unlike regular HTML links, they do not transfer to the bot or user level.

404 errors

The first step in reclaiming 404 errors is to crawl competitor's sites and find the errors pages. Once you've located these pages, you should create a page on your site that looks similar. Then, contact the webmasters of the sites linked to the 404 pages to inform them of the broken link and offer them a link to your site.

If you're unable to locate the website page that caused the error, try using Google Webmaster Tools. This tool allows you to see broken links and other 404 errors from your website.

PageRank sculpting

Link sculpting, also known as link manipulation, is an SEO technique used to manipulate a website's PageRank. It involves adding "nofollow" attribute tags to links on a website. This removes the link juice that pages that want to rank on the search engine receive from those links.

Google lowered its PageRank in the mid-2000s after black hat practitioners figured out ways to evade the system and manipulate its ranking. They started tracking different tactics and identified high authority sites and loopholes in the system. Eventually, they became so successful that they were able to manipulate the Nofollow attribute and maximize link juice.

Disavow harmful links

Link Crawler for SEO can help you disavow harmful links in a variety of ways. The process requires you to first identify the links you want to disavow. Once you have identified them, you can submit them to Google. It may take several weeks or even months before the links are removed.

Using Google's Disavow tool is a great way to remove harmful links. The tool requires you to create a Google account. You must then add your website domain to the Google webmaster tools (GSC).

Using a Link Crawler

One of the pillars of SEO is link building, which is all about constructing a web network of relevant links to show your website's authority to search engines like Google. Links are important because they help web crawlers find new content and understand the relationships between pages. This is essential for achieving a high position on search results pages. In addition to having a great content strategy, a website needs to include link building in order to increase its visibility.

Web crawlers are programs that crawl websites and gather data about them. When a crawler reaches a website, it follows links on the page, either internal or external. It also follows links in tags, which are used by search engines to understand the relationships between web pages.